Learning Program (CAP) 

3 images of children  that reads "children at play"

What is the Children at Play Program?

The CAP program is a thematic play-based extension program that aims to allow teachers time to focus on teachable moments and augment individual problem-solving situations in a relaxed and child-sensitive manner.
The CAP program provides kindergarten families with an opportunity for their child to remain in their school for a full day. The program is supervised by the building principal and follows the district's standard operating procedures, including district calendar, arrival and dismissal times and policies. 

Although the district continues to explore a full-day kindergarten program, we will not be able to implement this program by the Fall of 2025.  We will, however, continue to run our very popular CAP Program (Children at Play Program) in all six elementary schools.

Click here to complete and submit the 2025-2026 CAP Tuition Agreement.

Before and After School Programs

alphabet blocks that spell "child care"

Before-school programs are offered at ARIS, Hillsborough Elementary, Sunnymead Elementary and Woods Road Elementary. After-school programs are offered at ARIS and all elementary schools including registered CAP students. The program is run by Catholic Charities, an outside agency, and not by the Hillsborough Township Public Schools.

Parents may also choose to send their child to an outside daycare center zoned for their elementary school. Click HERE to find out which area daycare centers are zoned for your school.