word cloud of "welcome" in different languages

Roberto Lugo Jr.,
ESL (English as a Second Language) Supervisor
(908) 431-6600 x2014
email id: rlugo

Kristen Dingman,
(908) 431-6600 x2393
email id: kdingman

ESL/ML Summer Program Registration

For two weeks each summer, Hillsborough Township Public Schools provides the district's Multilingual Learners (formerly classified as English Language Learners) in grades kindergarten through 11th grade the opportunity to participate in an academic and enrichment program held at one of the district's schools. This free program provides opportunities for students to continue their English acquisition during the summer time both in the classroom as well as via local field trips. The program focuses on activities that many students who attend the program may not have access to including a field trips to local museums as well as in-house presentations.

Classes are held from 8:30 to 12:30 Mondays through Wednesdays and Friday (8:30 to 3:30 on Thursdays) from July 7 to July 18, 2025