Notification System
Keeping parents informed and involved helps to assure student safety and improve student success. As technology advances, we continue to update the district's delivery methods for pertinent information in a timely manner.
Apptegy is used to deliver clear messages to the students’ parents or guardians home phone, work phone, cell phone, and email addresses. Apptegy is also connected to the Genesis Parent Access Portal, which means that students’ contact information will be available to parents/guardians, teachers and district staff in one secure, password-protected place.
Through the Genesis Parent Access Portal, you are able to:
View student schedules, report cards, assignments and grades
Monitor daily attendance records in "real time"
Use links to initiate emails to teachers
Update phone and email contacts for you and your child(ren)
Select which contact numbers/emails get school alerts
In order for the school to keep you informed, maintaining the accuracy of your contact information is essential. Please log into the Genesis Parent Access Portal and review/update this information as soon as possible. All changes take approximately 48-hours to take effect. Each unique guardian record can include 2 email addresses, 2 home phone numbers, 2 work phone numbers, and 2 mobile phone numbers to use for district alerts.
To update or limit which email addresses and phone numbers receive messages, please follow the directions below. Please note that these changes take approximately 48-hours to take effect.
Adjusting which Contact Numbers/Emails Get School Alerts:
Go to the Genesis Parent Access Portal
Click on Contacts Page
Click View Edit
Select or deselect Use for District Alerts based on preference then save
You can access the Genesis Parent Access Portal by clicking here.
Genesis can be added as a mobile app, linked are directions for installing: