Suicide Awareness
If you are thinking about suicide, or anyone you know is displaying warning signs, get help by calling:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Currently, suicide is the third leading cause of death of adolescents between the ages of 15-24. There is one completed suicide every 15 minutes in the United States--100 per day, 34,000 per year. Hillsborough has experienced a statistically significant number of confirmed suicides over the last 15 years.
Hillsborough Township Public Schools actively educates students about suicide in an age-appropriate manner, but the issue is broader than our schools. We must bring education and awareness to the community at large. BoroSAFE's (Suicide Awareness For Everyone) goal is to raise community awareness that suicide is preventable and resources are available.
Suicide Prevention/Awareness Videos:
Kevin Briggs: The Bridge Between Suicide and Life TED Talk
For many years Sergeant Kevin Briggs had a dark, unusual, at times strangely rewarding job: He patrolled the southern end of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, a popular site for suicide attempts. In a sobering, deeply personal talk Briggs shares stories from those he’s spoken — and listened — to standing on the edge of life. He gives a powerful piece of advice to those with loved ones who might be contemplating suicide.
Suicide: The Ripple Effect
Twitter Talk

Join the discussion on Twitter:
It Gets Better Project American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
National Institute of Mental Health
Out of the Darkness Walks - Walk to Save Lives
"Suicide claimed 40,600 lives in 2012 in the United States alone, with someone dying by suicide every 12.9 minutes. A suicide attempt is made every minute of every day, resulting in nearly one million attempts made annually.When you walk in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Walks, you join efforts with thousands of people nationwide to raise money for AFSP’s vital research and education programs to prevent suicide and save lives. The walks raise awareness about depression and suicide, and provide comfort and assistance to those who have lost someone to suicide." -AFSP